During the Storm

IMG_0623Well, I spent a few hours in my basement alone last night. There’s nothing like a tornado warning to scare the crap out of you. Don’t worry. I’m fine and no damage was done around me. I think the hype was worse than the bite around me. I hope everyone is doing okay. The tornadoes are very scary.

My worse thing was being alone. I hate it. My husband was on another business trip to Canada, so I and my cat spent hours in the basement. During that time, I distracted myself by painting. I’m going to try to post it let me know what you think. You can tell I was a little off kilter when I created it. It’s odd to say the least, but it was fun painting it.

What should I name this piece? Hmm…

Painting for Fun

imageWell, I managed to hurt my back at work yesterday. So my sister came over to help me this weekend because my husband is out of town. He’s gone a lot lately for work 😦  Well, anyway. I don’t have much to talk about. I’m just in a lot of pain. I have seen a chiropractor for the last two days. It’s helping but not perfect yet.

Just now someone rang my doorbell and bolted. Kids. My sister didn’t hear it though. She was in the basement, so might not be able to. Or I’m hearing things…. hmmmm

my sister and I painted this evening. I posted my work of art. What do you think? It’s amazing what a person can create when bored.