Heritable bipolar phenotypes pinned down

Wow! Very Interesting article about bipolar disorder and heritable traits.

Manic Muses

(I don’t usually quote an entire article, but this subject is near and dear to my heart….)

Heritable bipolar phenotypes pinned down

Published on February 14, 2014 at 5:12 PM

By Eleanor McDermid, Senior medwireNews Reporter

A large study has pinpointed brain and behavioural traits that are genetically influenced and associated with bipolar I disorder.

Carrie Bearden (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) and team examined 169 behavioural, neurocognitive and neuroimaging traits in 181 patients with bipolar I disorder and their close relatives – 738 people in total.

They found that three-quarters of these traits were heritable, 31% were significantly associated with bipolar disorder and 24% were both heritable and associated with bipolar disorder.

Traits in this last group “are the most promising phenotypes for identifying loci contributing to disease risk, as shown for other neuropsychiatric disorders,” write the researchers in JAMA Psychiatry.

They add: “Some phenotypes in this…

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Now What?

I’ve been really bummed about the future lately. Yes, I was one of those that voted for Mitt Romney. I have many reasons why I’d like to see REAL change in the White House. I have heard stories about what may happen and I’ve done my own research and I’m not liking any of it one bit. I’m genuinely scared. I guess if what they say about the Mayan Calendar turns out to be true, I shouldn’t have to worry anymore. We will all be dead.

I’ve been trying to come up with some positives about my future, but none is forthcoming. I’ve been thrown in charge of the family business while my parents enjoy an extended vacation in Florida. Running a business without them…really sucks.

As for my marriage…(some of you may be reading earlier posts, so you might be curious), it has not changed. Not even a little.

Weight…I’m afraid to step on a scale because if anything, I’ve been gaining. I think I’ve decided that exploding may be less painful than exercising. LMFAO!

I’d say I’m stable, but that would be a BIG lie. My bipolar emotions are going ballistic. Stating that I’m “emotional” would be an understatement.

Friends…um. I don’t really have any that I see outside of Facebook. 😦

Classes…done…no big deal since they were just for work anyway.

Writing…I would like to take a class to help spark inspiration, but husband and sister say to wait until February or March… 😦

Well, there’s my update. Whoa is me. Life sucks. Now what?


We Will See

Hello out there! As I think about how my life is right now, I’m feeling a sense of calm. I know I shouldn’t be. A lot of things seem to be coming together for the worse right now, but I’m calm, or maybe I’m just in denial. My bipolar mood swings have not been too bad. I can safely say I’m not manic or depressed, so that is good and I haven’t been in a long time. I haven’t been obsessive, except lately I’m watching too much news and trying to pay attention to the presidential election a bit too much.

I started writing again, but I’m also taking an online course that is making it hard to find time to write while working. Plus, I’m still really active in a service organization.

My marriage is maintaining the status quo. We are great roommates… 🙂 . Work is what I’m really worried about…we will see.

I hope all of you are doing well. I wish all the happiness in the world to everyone.

I also want to encourage people to go out and vote, no matter who you choose. I’m surprised I’m not going to get too political here, but I think it is important for you to decide on your own and not let the media or others choose for you.

Thanks! Rock the Vote!


Telling It Like It Is

Okay, so I told you in my last post that I’m reading Hilary Smith’s “Welcome to the Jungle: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Bipolar but were too Freaked Out to Ask.” Well, I have to explain why I find her hilarious…she tells it like it is!

I’ve read MANY books on bipolar disorder, but her book reads like she is literally right there with you at the hospital after you just find out your diagnosis. You’re sitting there shell shocked and here comes another bipolar patient letting you know what it is really like, not just what the trained staff tells you. This girl KNOWS, but you also realize she’s about to be discharged because she is well enough to leave the hospital. Damn. Just when you make a new friend…

This part of her book that I totally identified with and thought was hilarious was the section about first being diagnosed in her first chapter.

                   “Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder is akin to waking up after a wild night of intoxication to discover that at some point during your (fuzzily remembered) antics, you went and got a tattoo on your bicep. Not just any tattoo–you got a big old snake-eating-a-unicorn tattoo. That sucker’s six inches high and three across. It’s kind of badass, kind of hideous. You stare at it in shock. You vaguely remember going to the tattoo parlor, but why?! You frantically think back to the chain of events that might have led up to you getting a tattoo of a snake eating a unicorn. You feel guilt, anger, embarrassment, denial, nausea–the whole ride. Eventually you realize you’re going to have to live with this thing for the rest of your life, and from here on, your attitude towards your new tat is entirely up to you.”

Beautiful imagery! She nailed it! I just had to share it with you because I guess I’m the type to overidentify with my bipolar disorder. I’m proud of my snake-eating-a-unicorn tattoo…now. I use to be totally ashamed of it. I still am in certain company, so I wear long sleeves when around them. The stigma is there, but eventually I’m going to wear a tank top around them (figuratively speaking)…it will just take time.

So, what do you think? How do you feel about your tattoo? ...COMMENT!…

Maybe I’m Not Okay

There. That’s more me. I changed the appearance of this blog.

I’m doing something different tonight. I’m free writing and typing away directly onto wordpress. I usually write my blogs out long hand first, then type it onto word, then after many revisions, copy it on a post, but that takes too long. I’m finally really tired, but I want to say hi to everyone that might follow me. I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been really busy. I’m not depressed, but I teeter from stable to hypomanic lately. Tonight, I’m suffering from the affects of a Monster I drank this morning, so that is why I’m still up at 1am. I know I should not drink Monster, but I crave the taste of it. 🙂

Lately, I’ve been thinking more about bipolar disorder, myself, and the world. It’s probably because I’m reading a new book about bipolar disorder that I find interesting, hilarious and …can you believe it….a page turner. Hilary Smith’s “Welcome to the Jungle” is great. If you’re bipolar, you should read it…wait, maybe I should finish it first before I say anything. I’m only on Chapter 4, so don’t crucify me if you start it and then think I’m “crazy” for liking it. LOL…I used the word “crazy”.

Okay, so maybe I’m not okay. I better go to bed before I’m too wound up to go to sleep. Please comment. I love to hear what people think about everything.

Good night!

What is it like to be bipolar?

Does that really matter? Who can really answer that? The question is too broad. Maybe…what is it like for you to being bipolar? Again. Not good enough.

“Bipolar” is a label. Just a label to explain a group of people who experience mood fluctuations. How we handle them and the intensity of them are completely unique to each individual. I can tell you about “what it is like to be bipolar,” but another person with that same label will have something completely different to tell you about “being bipolar.”

This blog is my way of learning what it is like for me to be bipolar. I need to separate my disorder from my other various attributes instead of categorizing many of my actions and feels as my bipolar impulses.

I’ve been seeing a therapist now since my last psychotic episode in August. She helps me immensely with realizing the difference between being bipolar and being me.

One characteristic she finds very interesting about me is my extreme level of empathy for those around me. A strong level of empathy was something I attributed to all bipolar people. I’m learning that empathy is actually a rare trait that isn’t seen very often, but why is that?

She also says I’m very insightful about myself. Okay, great. Now what?

My fear of failure and my perfectionist personality is something my therapist sees a lot in people who are bipolar. So, I won the lottery with gaining those wonderful attributes.

Have I learned anything else? Yes…that I have so much more to learn. I feel like I’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Finding Dry Land: Linea’s Story (via BringChange2Mind)

I really loved this blog. It took me back to when I was first diagnosed as Bipolar I when I was 19. I’m turning 30 and feel like I have reached dry land too and I want to help others find it too. Go Linea! Bring Change to everyone’s Mind!

Finding Dry Land: Linea's Story There was a moment in my life when I almost drowned. Living in the largest dorm in the country with three best friends, experiencing my first serious college boyfriend, living what I thought to be the perfect life of a college kid, I couldn’t have dreamt of anything better. That is, until I turned my back to the ocean and was swiftly and dramatically pulled in by the undertow. One moment I was there and one moment I wasn’t. It was as if I had sud … Read More

via BringChange2Mind

Have You Found Your Soul Mate? Part Two: an Update

This is an update from a previous blog written October 12, 2009 “Have You Found Your Soul Mate?” https://mydualities.wordpress.com/2009/10/12/have-you-found-your-soul-mate/

June 2nd marked our three year anniversary. It is hard to believe it has been three years already since the wedding. However, we are so close that I feel like I’ve known my husband for a lifetime. Our love has stood firm as we have gone through some hard times.

 I think many married couples can identify that the current economic crisis has added a lot of stress to some families. Our household hasn’t been affected too deeply, but the situation at our two different work places has added a lot of stress to our daily lives.

 Well, last year when work stress was at its peak, we both decided to try to have a baby. With me turning thirty very soon, my psychiatrist thought that time would be perfect since I appeared stable. Since I am bipolar, we had to plan together on when I would stop taking my lithium and Abilify and switch to Lamictol. We all worried about the possible birth defects linked to these medications. However, I never went through any medication changes before. I had been on lithium for ten years with only one major mood shift of a mixed episode in between that time, which just meant a high dosage of lithium and the addition of Abilify.

 After five months on only Lamictol, I started noticing that my emotions were heightened. I was ultra-sensitive. I was realizing the Lamictol wasn’t working anymore. I didn’t recognize that I was quickly spiraling into a manic episode. At work, I was a holy terror with little patience for people. I was working on four projects at one time and getting a lot done. At home, I was talkative and writing a lot about my past and researching about bipolar disorder. I wanted to write a book about the facts about being bipolar from the perspective of an average person with the disorder.

 While writing, I paid close attention to the check lists. I knew I was either having a mixed episode or hypomanic as the sixth month of the different medication passed. I never thought I was already manic because I was sleeping. I could sleep seven hours and take naps during that time, but the night I no longer could sleep anymore was the night I panicked. I called my psychiatrist who told me to start taking my Abilify right away, which I did but night two went by with my mind racing to a startling level of psychosis. I believed I had to relive my traumatic past experience no matter the cost.

 When my husband woke up that morning of the second night of no sleep, I told him to take me to the hospital. I needed to go through hospitalization again. Those two weeks during my hospitalization was the hardest time for our marriage. I wasn’t able to conceive in those six months and we were forced to stop trying as I was put back on my old regiment of lithium and Abilify. My husband also felt helpless, confused, and lonely during that time. He had never seen me psychotic before, but he stood by my side and helped me get through my hospitalization. It was very hard for him to see me like that.

 Now, three years of marriage has gone by and we still want to somehow try again to have a baby. A part of me wants that more than anything. The other part is afraid of at what cost I am willing to endure.

My Mask

Okay, well my last post was a little over the top. I tend to be that way sometimes. I think I was trying to pump myself up more than anything. Today, I’d say I’m feeling the exact opposite. I feel worthless, and I would rather hide in my bed than to let anyone know I’m bipolar. That’s why this blog is so perfect. I’m letting you know about me without really letting you know about me. Weird.

I feel detached. I think that is why I don’t write much anymore. I’ve created a wall between you and me because I don’t want people to know my true identity for fear of some repercussion later in life. Don’t ask me what they might be. I think hiding is b.s., but my family and therapist think people should only know me as My Dualities so that is what you get. I think that is another reason I can’t write the book I want to write. My life story will have to sit on the shelf of my mind for a while.

A part of me will always wish I could shout to the world about bipolar disorder and metal illness, and my experience with it. However, I start tearing up when I tell people face to face about being bipolar. I’m a bigot, a hypocrite. I can write about it until my hand gets numb, but put me in front of others, I start feeling judged, ashamed, embarrassed even. I’ve never been a great public speaker, but I need to get around this fear somehow.

I have an opportunity to speak out and make the population more aware of mental disorders and the need for better support systems around where I live, but I don’t think I have the strength to be the public speaker I will need to be…not yet anyway.